Ahmad Tibi: We’re prepared to go far to bring down Netanyahu

The Joint List’s Tibi said his party is ready to do much to put an end to Netanyahu’s leadership.

By World Israel News Staff

The Joint Arab List is prepared to do much to remove Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, says one of the party’s leaders, Ahmad Tibi, in an interview on Sunday’s “This Morning” program on Kan Reshet Bet.

“The [Joint] list is ready to do a lot within its electoral principles and promises to remove Netanyahu – the inciter and liar – provided there are gains for the Arab sector,” he said.

“There are contacts, but there is no official proposal. We won’t expand on the contacts in order that Netanyahu will continue to be part of history,” Tibi said.

The Blue and White party confirmed on Saturday night that talks are advancing to establish a minority government that relies on the Arab vote, Israel Hayom reports. The term, minority government, comes from the fact that it would have less than the minimum 61 Knesset seat majority.

It appears that if such a government rises, it would comprise 47 Knesset members from Blue and White, Labor, and Israel Beiteinu. The Arabs would support it from outside.

Netanyahu’s Likud party has described a minority government as the worst of all outcomes as it would mean an Israeli government would be dependent on the votes of an anti-Zionist Arab bloc.

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The biggest surprise is the support of Israel Beiteinu. Its leader, Avigdor Liberman, has called the Joint List a “5th column,” and has said he would never support a government that relies on the Arabs.

But according to Israel Hayom on Sunday, Liberman and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz have agreed to accelerate the negotiations for a minority government.

The paper notes that it may be a ploy to pressure Netanyahu to agree to better terms for Blue and White in a unity government.

Gantz has only until Wednesday until his mandate to form a government expires.