Amnesty slammed in report: ‘Deep hostility’ toward Jewish State

“Most people know that Amnesty International is biased to some degree, but even knowing this, I was still shocked at what I found,” writes Collier.

By World Israel News Staff

Amnesty International has become a purveyor of anti-Semitism. A human rights organization that claims to be “a global movement of more than 7 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights” is in fact obsessed with attacking Israel.

That’s the conclusion of a 200-page report by investigative journalist David Collier and commissioned by Jewish Human Rights Watch.

“Most people know that Amnesty International is biased to some degree, but even knowing this, I was still shocked at what I found,” writes Collier.

“Every part of Amnesty’s arsenal spends a disproportionate amount of time attacking Israel. When fused together in a coordinated manner, the focus appears obsessive and persecutory,” he says in a summary of his findings.

“Campaigns against Israel are visibly better funded, more frequent and promoted with far more energy – than anything else Amnesty International undertakes. More worrying still is the alignment between Amnesty’s anti-Israel campaigns and the aims of the BDS movement, which leave little room for doubt that it is coordinated rather than coincidental,” he writes.

“Israel is not treated by Amnesty International as a legitimate state. When Amnesty talks about Israel, their language changes and there is deep hostility,” he says.

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“Amnesty officials can direct praise to the most brutal of regimes – but never is a good word said about Israel. The only free society in the Middle East is instead held up by Amnesty International as an example of one of the world’s worst regimes.”

According to his Collier’s report, Amnesty hires people with “open pro-terrorist sympathies” and relies on them to provide information that influences public opinion.

“One Amnesty consultant was found tweeting support for a terrorist group and sharing advice about hiding the truth to protect the ‘resistance.’ Another was found giving advice to ‘factions’ asking not to publicly identify ‘martyrs’ as belonging to terrorist groups,” the report says.

Cloaked in human rights

Collier says,”Amnesty’s problem has been a long time in the making.” It started nearly 20 years ago when the group changed its conflict of interest rules and started “to employ ‘one cause’ activists – in other words – people filled with hate who use human rights activism as a convenient disguise. Amnesty is now full of such activists.”

Collier also gives an insight into the organization’s modus operandi.

“Amnesty International finds a hard-core anti-Israel activist, wraps them up in Amnesty branding and sends them into the field as human rights campaigners. Except they are not human rights workers at all – they are partisan activists given a blank cheque to do or say what they like.”

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When the targeted country curtails the activities of these so-called human rights activists, Amnesty “plays victim” and attacks the country for limiting the activities of their members, according to the report.

Collier says in the course of his research he “linked to dozens of Amnesty social media accounts and monitored the output of over 40 staff/volunteers… The research took several months and hundreds of thousands of social media posts were logged.”

The research will be handed over to the British authorities. Amnesty headquarters is based in London.