Anarchists protest close Israel-Greece relations

Rubicon members protested Greek-Israeli military and energy cooperation and the US embassy move to Jerusalem. 

By: JNS and World Israel News Staff

The Greek anarchist group Rubicon snuck into their country’s Foreign Ministry building in central Athens on Tuesday to oppose Greek-Israeli military and energy cooperation, in addition to the US Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May.

Two Rubicon members climbed into the ministry compound and left a bag near the entrance, according to a video posted online, which the group said consisted of a Palestinian flag and photographs of Palestinian protesters killed by Israeli forces during violent riots along the Gaza border that coincided with the embassy-opening ceremony on May 14.

No arrests of Rubicon members were reported.

This development comes a year after Rubicon members vandalized the Israeli embassy in Greece to protest Israeli policies toward Palestinians.

Greek and Israeli forces conducted their most recent joint drill in June when Israeli warplanes practiced long-range operations and missions over unfamiliar terrain. The exercise simulated warfare in the Gaza Strip as well as on Israel’s northern border, the army said.

Greece and Israel, alongside Cyprus, agreed to plans in May for a $7 billion pipeline that would supply gas from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe.

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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the project “emblematic” of the cooperation between the three countries.