Arab MK blames Israel for ISIS terror in Moscow

“It is widely recognized that ISIS is a false flag operation run by Israeli intelligence to harm Muslims,” reads tweet “liked” by Israeli Arab politician.

By World Israel News Staff

Arab-Israeli MK Ahmad Tibi (Joint List) promoted a tweet that asserted Israel was behind a recent deadly attack on a Moscow concert hall, claiming that the ISIS terror group – which took responsibility for the attack – is actually controlled by the Jewish state.

“How exactly does it help Muslims or Palestinians to launch bombing attacks on Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Russia? If past behavior is any indication, one can expect future ISIS attacks on Qatar, Yemen, Lebanon, Algeria, China, South Africa, Ireland, and Latin America,” read the tweet, which was written by an individual named Daniel Haqiqatjou.

“It is widely recognized that ISIS is a false flag operation run by Israeli intelligence to harm Muslims.”

Additional tweets from Haqiqatjou explicitly blame Israel for the Moscow terror attack, despite the fact that Russian security forces captured the perpetrators, who were Muslims from Tajikistan and other Islamic countries.

Tibi, a former adviser for Yasser Arafat and a long-time anti-Zionist with a long history of support for terror, including visiting Islamic Jihad operatives hospitalized in Israel, “liked” the tweet, suggesting that he agreed with its content.

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But when confronted by Channel 12 about his actions, Tibi claimed that “the ‘like’ was for the tweet against ISIS and for always acting against Muslim countries or those who support the Palestinian cause.”

Notably, on his Twitter account, Tibi questioned whether or not ISIS was responsible for the Moscow attack – despite confirmation from the terror group itself and the Russian government that it indeed perpetrated the mass slaughter of civilians.

“ISIS responsibility [for the attack]… still requires verification because sometimes messages about ISIS responsibility are initiated by another body,” Tibi claimed.

“The [main point] is [about] the double standard of the USA,” he continued, claiming that the Biden administration had acted hypocritically by condemning the terror attack while supporting Israel during its ongoing war with Hamas.

“And the double standard regarding the killing of the civilians in Gaza. You can go back to every terrorist attack or bombing in the Russia-Ukraine war regarding the administration’s double standard.”