Arab MK refuses to answer question about eliminating Hamas Oct 7 mastermind Sinwar

Reshef to Odeh: ‘One thing is clear: Yahya Sinwar will be eliminated … You do not share this feeling.’

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

During an interview with Rafi Reshef, Arab MK Ayman Odeh (Joint List) refused to answer the question of whether October 7th mastermind Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar should be eliminated.

As soon as Reshef posed the question, Odeh said, “This war must end immediately. That is the best and most appropriate thing for both nations.”

He added, “Continuing this war is bad. It is entirely bad, for all of us.”

Reshef  pressed Odeh and said, “You are evading the question.”

Odeh responded that he was indeed “answering the question in the most correct way possible.”

Reshef then showed a video from October 7th depicting a Hamas terrorist attacking a father and a son.

Following the clip, Reshef said to Odeh, “You saw the images of the father and the child. It is clear that this is the philosophy of Yahya Sinwar.”

Odeh continued to evade the issue and said, “Rafi, you see that the entire interview is conducted by a privileged person whose powerful country killed 40,000 Gazans, and still you are asking me only about one side, and insist on only one side.”

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Reshef, understanding that Odeh would continue to refuse to answer the question said, “There are a lot of disagreements between the Jewish citizens. But one thing is clear: Yahya Sinwar will be eliminated, and the sooner the better.”

He added, “You do not share this feeling.”

Presumably, one of the reasons Odeh might have evaded the question about eliminating Sinwar is the popularity of Hamas among the Palestinian population as a whole.

According to a Ramallah’s Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) poll, an election between Haniyeh of Hamas and PA leader Abbas would favor Haniyeh with 80 percent of the vote.

In an election between the creator of the Second Intifada, jailed terrorist Marwan Barghouti, Haniyeh, and Abbas, Barghouti would receive 60 percent of the vote.

The survey also showed 90 percent of Palestinians doubted reports of atrocities Hamas committed against Israelis.

Around 71 percent said they agreed with Hamas attacking Israel on October 7th.