Arab terrorist rams car into four Israelis

Car terror

Car used in terror attack. (Gershon Elinson/Flash90)

An Arab wounded four Israelis on Thursday in Judea and Samaria in yet another incident of car terror.

By Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

An Arab terrorist on Thursday ran his car over a group of four Israelis who were standing at a junction near the community of Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion, just south of Jerusalem.

One man, 20, was critically wounded, and a 16-year-old was moderately wounded. Two others were lightly injured. All four were evacuated to hospitals in Jerusalem.

The terrorist fled the scene but was captured soon after and taken in for questioning.

“The terrorists do not differentiate between Gush Etzion [in Judea and Samaria] and Jerusalem, and they run over Israelis anywhere they can,” Gush Etzion Municipality head David Pearl said after the attack,

He called on the security establishment to minimize “the friction points” and to ensure the safety of the Israeli residents and students “who were only on their way home.”

“There is no choice, we must create a safe zone around the communities,” he said.

He wished the victims a speedy recovery and thanked the security forces and emergency personnel who responded quickly to the attack.

The scene of the attack has been the site of several previous terror attacks.

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Dalia Lemkus, 26, from Tekoa in Gush Etzion, was murdered in November 2014 by an Arab terrorist who ran her over with his car at the junction and then stabbed her. The terrorist also managed to stab and wound two more Israelis before being shot by a security guard.

The three Israeli teenagers who were abducted and murdered last summer were picked up at this junction.

Israel has been suffering from a wave of vehicular terror attacks. The most recent occurred in Jerusalem on April 16 when an Arab rammed his car into two Israelis sitting at a bus stop, killing Shalom Cherki, 25, and critically wounding Shira Klein, 20.