A Jewish student’s persistent fight against malicious antisemitic attacks

Ava Rosenberg, the daughter of a prominent American radio show host, reveals the profound challenges she faces as a Jewish student, including accusations of killing Palestinians and endorsing genocide.

By Linda Sadacka, Exclusive to World Israel News

Ava Rosenberg, the daughter of popular New York radio show host Sid Rosenberg, faces profound challenges as a Jewish student at Cardiff University in Wales.

Her account, supported by a trove of texts and photographs, sheds light on the severe antisemitism and harassment that have marred her academic and personal life.

Ava’s ordeal began in November during an annual general meeting at Cardiff University, where the motion ‘Ceasefire Now’ was supported by the majority, simplifying the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In stark contrast, a proposal to condemn Hamas’s actions was summarily dismissed without debate.

This event was particularly challenging for Ava, as she is one of only 25 Jewish students on campus, making her part of a vulnerable minority.

The meeting sparked significant bullying and intimidation, causing such severe distress that it compelled attendees to leave, who feared for their safety.

The speaker who dissented against the ceasefire motion faced significant abuse. Students were pulled out for making anti-Semitic comments during his speech.

The situation escalated rapidly when Ava Rosenberg, along with her family, embarked on a trip to Israel to show solidarity with the Israeli people following the atrocities of October 7th.

During this trip, a photo of Ava holding a gun was maliciously misrepresented online, leading to widespread social media backlash.

This backlash not only falsely branded her as a murderer but also incited violence against her and her family, including her neurodivergent minor brother.

Ava experienced severe cyber attacks in Cardiff, where her personal information and photos were maliciously shared, falsely accusing her of endorsing genocide and being in the IDF with claims of killing people.

An influencer with over one million followers, along with others with thousands of followers, spread these defamatory accusations, leading to widespread harassment.

Cardiff University

Cardiff University (Shutterstock)

These accounts failed to moderate comments, which included explicit threats of violence and sexual assault.

Despite Ava’s balanced advocacy for peace and her history of supporting marginalized groups, she found herself politically abandoned and isolated.

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Her efforts in sexual assault prevention and human rights, which should have aligned her with feminist and progressive groups, led to further alienation and betrayal instead.

This unexpected isolation has compounded her struggles, intensifying her challenges at Cardiff University.

Ava, identifying as a left-leaning Jewish Zionist, has felt politically homeless, experiencing the materialization of the horseshoe theory where political extremes converge, excluding her viewpoints.

Her sense of abandonment was exacerbated on campus by the distribution of flyers falsely accusing her of breaking the school code of conduct and endorsing genocide.

These flyers, partially distributed by an individual elected as a student anti-racism officer for the following year and bearing the Cardiff University logo, received an inadequate response from the university. This underscored a significant lack of institutional support.

Adding to the absurdity, a video circulated showing staff and students in front of the student union, where a student spread false, libelous claims about Ava, alleging she poses a threat.

Cardiff Student Paper

Cardiff University publication’s article about Ava Rosenberg

Staff and students were complicit in this video, furthering her harassment. They were also seen distributing complaint forms and flyers.

The situation reached a ridiculous level, highlighting the failure of the institution to protect its students from such baseless and coordinated attacks.

Ava was then forced to return to the United States due to ongoing harassment and unsafe living conditions. Her situation worsened when, upon attempting to retrieve her belongings, she faced further victim-blaming from her landlord.

Almost immediately after the cyber harassment started, Ava’s housemates began victim-blaming her. She was then forced to return to the United States due to ongoing harassment and unsafe living conditions.

The severity of the threats she received necessitated police patrols around her home and neighborhood in Cardiff.

Upon her return to the university, Ava experienced direct harassment at a social event, where a law school peer accused her and all Jews of genocide after noticing her Star of David necklace.

This incident occurred as Ava attended the party, hoping to find some respite, only to be met with accusations of genocide, further illustrating the pervasive antisemitism she faces.

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There have been attempts by students at the university to replace the student union adopted IHRA definition of antisemitism with the less protective JDA definition, focusing more on Israel-Palestine issues, has been under scrutiny and contributes to the ongoing institutional neglect Ava has endured.

Although the university has not replaced the IHRA definition yet, a motion has been proposed by a student aiming to do so, which, in times of record-high antisemitism, should not be allowed.

Sid Rosenberg, Ava’s father and a popular radio personality, expressed the need for accountability during a recent interview.

He articulated his concerns: “Where are the parents? I know exactly where my children are. If Ava goes for lunch, I know she went for lunch. If Gabriel goes to play basketball, I know he’s playing basketball. How is it possible then, that these children who promote murder, threaten Jewish students, and promote rape, are not held accountable? Where are the parents? If they are aware and do nothing, they are complicit.

Sid and Ava Rosenberg

Ava with her father Sid Rosenberg, a prominent national radio show host. (Courtesy)

“The parents should be held accountable for knowing what their children are involved in. This lack of accountability isn’t isolated to the U.S. But it’s a global issue. Take Wales, for instance, where my daughter Ava faces serious threats—these problems are escalating worldwide because there are no serious repercussions. If there were real ramifications, behavior would likely change. We urgently need Cardiff University to take decisive action. The students who have terrorized my daughter need to apologize, and those who perpetuate these threats should be expelled. Only with real consequences can we hope for a change in behavior and a safer environment for all students.”

Ava’s mother, Danielle, expressed her frustration and concern: “The university’s overall response has been an epic failure. Its inability to condemn the incident and correct the lies being spread about her, along with permitting the distribution of flyers bearing the school logo without clarifying that they were neither approved nor endorsed by the university, is unacceptable.

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“These failures compromise her safety and imply that the university is condoning and endorsing the hatred directed at our daughter.”

Ava Rosenberg’s ongoing struggle at Cardiff University is a stark reminder of the challenges Jewish students face globally, demanding immediate and comprehensive policy changes to combat antisemitism and ensure the safety and dignity of all students facing persecution.

Her resilience and determination to continue her studies, despite the adversity, serve as a powerful call to action for necessary changes within academic institutions worldwide.

Ava Rosenberg’s return for her final year is a testament to her ironclad resolve. “I won’t let them drive me out or ruin my education,” she declares. Throughout her trials, she never took off her Magen David and even bought more, each one a fierce symbol of her identity and strength.

Beyond the antisemitic harassment, Ava’s situation has been compounded by a seven-month-long investigation based on claims weaponized to harass, intimidate, and marginalize her. Despite the emotional and mental toll of the process, all claims were ultimately dismissed and proven false.

The investigation, which should never have been pursued in the first place, was a clear example of how the school system can be manipulated to target individuals unjustly.

Despite this, Ava continues to fight. She filed formal complaints against others, which are currently under confidential investigation. These ongoing cases highlight the systemic failures in addressing such issues and emphasize how easily the system can be weaponized against individuals.

Ava’s journey is a powerful rebuke to those who sought to undermine her. Her unwavering commitment to her education and beliefs, despite relentless adversity, stands as a beacon of defiance and resilience.

Ava Rosenberg embodies the indomitable spirit of standing firm against all odds.

As Ava herself puts it, “The big Jewish organizations need to start working on the offensive. We need organized legal efforts to protect students like me.

“It’s time to fight back with the same intensity we face. Jewish organizations need to adopt a proactive approach, launching organized legal efforts to defend students like me. We must match the intensity of the challenges we encounter.”