Ayelet Shaked loses judicial committee spot as Netanyahu gets his way

Ayelet Shaked went down to defeat as coalition members followed Netanyahu’s instructions.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

Ayelet Shaked, a member of the Yemina party, had hoped to be elected to the Judicial Appointments Committee, which selects judges to the Supreme Court. It was not to be.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s candidate, Likud MK Osnat Mark, was elected instead. The other Knesset spot on the committee went to Zvi Hauser of Derech Eretz (formerly of Blue and White).

It appeared that Shaked would have a chance despite Netanyahu’s opposition to her candidacy.

Shaked is popular among right-wing Knesset members for her willingness to take on the Supreme Court when she served as justice minister, successfully pushing through three conservative judges to the court out of four new appointments.

Indeed, Coalition Chairman and Likud MK Miki Zohar told website Srugim on Tuesday that the Likud supported Shaked’s appointment to the committee, a statement which completely contradicted Netanyahu’s wishes.

“The Likud faction will support Ayelet Shaked as the opposition representative in the committee for appointing judges,” Zohar tweeted.

The fact that Wednesday’s ballot was secret would have enabled Likud members to vote for Shaked without fear of repercussions.

In the end, Shaked’s lobbying and experience weren’t enough. Hauser received 67 votes and Mark took 56 votes of the 118 who cast a ballot. Shaked received only 43. Karin Elharar of Yesh Atid, who also competed for a spot, took 47.

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Adding to the embarrassment, Shaked also lost in her bid for a spot on the committee that selects religious judges, winning only 65 votes.

The Judicial Appointments Committee consists of nine members: three Supreme Court justices, two members from the Israel Bar Association, two representatives from the government, including the justice minister and one other cabinet minister, and two Knesset representatives.