Ayelet Shaked: Netanyahu himself is to blame for no annexation

“July 1 will be remembered as the day no historic move was made,” said Ayelet Shaked.

By Josh Plank, World Israel News

Member of Knessest Ayelet Shaked of the Yamina party criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday for postponing his highly publicized plan to apply sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria.

“July 1 will be remembered as the day no historic move was made,” said Shaked in an interview with Ynet.

“Netanyahu spread fear throughout his election campaign that if he lost to Defense Minister Benny Gantz, the latter would join forces with the Arab MK’s to the detriment of the country. But now we see he was himself crushed by them and his promised annexation did not take place,” she said.

Shaked said that she hopes Netanyahu will take advantage of the next couple of months to apply sovereignty in parts of Judea and Samaria while Israel still enjoys a relatively friendly American administration.

“I hope he can stand firm in the face of Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi as well as the White House to see annexation through,” she said.

Shaked said she is opposed to creating a Palestinian state out of parts Judea and Samaria in exchange for Israeli sovereignty over other parts.

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“This would be a red line we would not allow be to crossed,” Shaked said. “If necessary, we will enlist opposition from within Netanyahu’s Likud party. We have sway over certain members of the party and expect they too will reject any such proposal.”

Shaked told the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday that she believes President Trump is “a true friend of Israel” and that “the prime minister should take this opportunity to apply Israeli sovereignty on Judea and Samaria.”

“If the administration is willing to do it on 30 percent of the territory, we should do it on 30 percent of the territory, but of course without establishing a Palestinian state,” she said.

Shaked noted that Netanyahu has voiced his support for a demilitarized Palestinian state many times in the past.

“If he does steps on the ground to promote a Palestinian state, then I’m sure he will lose the right’s support. But if it’s only talking, he can handle it,” she said.