BBC refuses to cover deadly terror attacks in Israel

The BBC covered less than half a percent of the terror attacks perpetrated in the Jewish state in September.

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While the Israel Security Agency’s (ISA) report on terror attacks shows a total of 204 incidents took place during September 2018, with 70 in Judea and Samaria, 10 in Jerusalem and 124 in the Gaza Strip, visitors to the BBC News website saw very belated coverage of just one (0.49 percent) of the 204 terror incidents.

Since the beginning of 2018, the BBC has reported 19.9 percent of the terror attacks that have actually taken place and 88.9 percent of the resulting fatalities.

Returning to ISA statistics, in Judea and Samaria and in Jerusalem, the agency recorded 61 attacks with petrol bombs, eight attacks using improvised explosive devices (IEDs), seven arson attacks, one shooting attack and three stabbings.

Incidents recorded in Gaza included 66 attacks with petrol bombs, 35 attacks using IEDs and 23 grenade attacks. There were no cases of rocket or mortar fire during September.

One civilian was murdered and one member of the security forces was wounded in attacks that took place during September.

The BBC News website did not produce any coverage at the time of the fatal stabbing of Ari Fuld in Gush Etzion on Sept. 16, but mentioned it a week later in a subsequent report.

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Hamas’ “Great Return March” of violent rioting along the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, including an incident in which a soldier was injured in a grenade attack on Sept. 21, was not the topic of any dedicated BBC News website reports throughout the month.