Rockets fired from Lebanon into northern Israel, IDF responds

Red alert sirens were sounded in the Golan Heights and the Upper Galilee on Friday morning. 

Residents of northern Israel were again running for safety Friday morning as rocket sirens went off in the northern Golan Heights and Kibbutz Snir in the Upper Galilee, the IDF confirmed.

The Iron Dome missile defense system was activated.

Several rockets were launched from Lebanon and most were reportedly intercepted. Residents in the area said explosions occured in open areas.

The Iron Dome was activated. No injuries were reported.

The IDF is responding to the escalation, saying that at least 10 rockets were fired and “we will not let attacks on Isrsaeli civilians go unanswered.”  Channel 13 reports that 13 projectiles were fired, and TPS news agency reports 19.

Rocket sirens went off on Wednesday as well, when Hezbollah fired projectiles at Israel’s north.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz conducted a situation assessment at Ministry of Defense headquarters Friday afternoon with IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi and other senior defense establishment officials.

Read  WATCH: Family escapes unharmed as Hezbollah rocket strikes home

“This is a very serious situation, and we urge all parties to cease fire,” UNIFIL, the UN peacekeeping force said. UNIFIL commander Gen. Stefano Del Col said it was coordinating with the Lebanese army to strengthen security measures in the area and called on the parties to cease fire immediately, AP reports.