Analysis & Opinion

protesters nova exhibit

Ending ‘treason citizenship’

The legal basis for deporting non-citizen terrorist supporters is fairly straightforward and needs to be implemented immediately.
July 10, 2024
US Pentagon

Who’s running the USA?

The networks around powerful politicians build careers and move money. And those networks are running the country.
July 8, 2024
Rafah border

IDF to stay in Philadelphi Corridor

Securing the Philadelphi Corridor ensures that Hamas remains isolated from its external sources of weapons and materials, which are crucial for its military operations.
July 4, 2024
IDF soldiers

The IDF confronts a multi-front war

Israel has to throw every human and material resource into the fight that will continue long after Hamas has been dismantled in Gaza.
July 2, 2024

The debate: Biden’s top 5 big lies

Old Joe and his handlers know that if the campaign comes down to Trump’s record as president versus Biden’s, Trump will win in a walk if the election isn’t rigged.
July 1, 2024
Anti-Israel protest in London

Down and out in Paris and London

It is increasingly difficult for Jews to remain in the countries where they live and express their Zionist sympathies at the same time.
July 1, 2024
Gaza humanitarian aid

The Gaza famine that never was

This is the latest example of an international agency walking back its initial assessment of the situation in Gaza.
June 27, 2024
gaza market

In Gaza, the famine that never was

Meanwhile, the total deaths reported from 'famine' in all of Gaza, over the eight months of this war, come to 37, or about one death a week, out of a population of 2.2 million.
June 25, 2024
Anti-Semitic Palestinian violence New York

A rape in Paris

We need to start protecting ourselves because our enemies are clear on one point: It’s us or them.
June 24, 2024
idf jabalia

Can Israel ‘win by winning’?

For Israel to truly win, it has to defeat the enemy, not just enough to achieve a battlefield victory, but to finally convince it that any further fighting can only be futile.
June 23, 2024