New York Mayor blasts BDS, praises Israel, vows to defend Jews

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio praises Israel, vows to fight BDS and protect New York Jews.

On Tuesday, at an event celebrating Jewish heritage, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio stated his pledge to fight the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and defend New York’s Jewish population against anti-Semitism.

Local Jewish politicians, Jewish community leaders and Israeli Consul-General Dani Dayan attended the event, held at Gracie Mansion in Manhattan, the mayor’s official residence.

De Blasio addressed the growing Jew-hatred in the United States.

“We know there has been a rise in antisemitism in this country, and we will not tolerate it here in New York City,” he stated.

The mayor stressed that New York’s strength is rooted in its diversity.

“The message is abundantly clear: We cherish the community, we protect the community, we cannot be great without every one of our communities,” he stated.

He also praised Israel as an answer to historic oppression and mentioned the close ties between the City of New York and the Jewish state.

“There is a lot of history that teaches us why the Jewish people have needed a homeland, and finally having a homeland, they deserve to know that that homeland will be protected for the long haul,” he said. “This is why I oppose the BDS movement so strongly.”

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He blasted the BDS movement as an obstacle to peace.

“I’m saying this as a proud progressive, and as a proud Democrat,” he told the crowd. “There is no logic, there’s nothing right and just about a movement that seeks to undermine the economy of a place that has been a refuge for the oppressed. It’s as simple as that.”

By: Daniel Krygier, World Israel News