Report: NY mayor’s revolving door justice sends anti-Semites back onto streets

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s bail reform is setting perpetrators of anti-Jewish attacks free without bail.

By World Israel News Staff

“Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to ‘bail reform’ legislation,” reports The New York Post on Saturday.

The Post report, published before news broke of a stabbing attack in a Monsey, New York synagogue, says the de Blasio administration’s new legislation calls for freeing suspects that don’t cause physical harm (outside of sexual assaults).

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio promised to protect New York’s Jews. He tweeted on Friday “Hate doesn’t have a home in our city… Anyone who terrorizes our Jewish community WILL face justice.” But the fact of the matter is his bail reform has resulted in a catch-and-release approach for the city’s anti-Semites.

Although the law doesn’t take effect until Jan. 1, the authorities are acting as if it already has. “The de Blasio administration has made it clear that we all need to get into compliance with bail reform now,” the Post quotes a law enforcement source.

The paper says the most recent case is that of Tiffany Harris, who was charged with “punching and cursing at three Orthodox women, ages 22, 26 and 31, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn,” on December 27. She was released the next day.

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Harris, 30, of Flatbush, Brooklyn admitted to shouting “F-U, Jews!” and slapping them.

Ayana Logan was another perpetrator released without bail, the Post reports. “You f—king Jew, the end is coming for you!” she yelled as she swung her bag at a 34-year-old Jewish woman walking with her child in an normally quiet section of the Gravesend neighborhood in Brooklyn on Thursday.

Logan was out of jail by Friday night. The Post notes that at least she was ordered “to attend twice-monthly mental health appointments.”

“You have to beat the hell out of somebody — or murder them — for there to be any consequences,” said former state lawmaker Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Anti-Semitism, the Post reports. “Otherwise, you are set free.”

“It’s open season in New York — open season on innocent people. On Jews, on Muslims, on gay people. It applies to anybody. But it’s the Jewish people in particular who have been targeted.”

The Post reports that the Orthodox community in New York was outraged to learn of the releases.