Defense Ministry: we did not compare Iran deal to Munich pact

Israel’s Ministry of Defense issued a clarification of its statement that seemed to compare the nuclear deal with Iran and the 1938 Munich Agreement, after President Obama falsely claimed Israel now supports the Iran deal.

Israel’s Defense Ministry on Monday issued a clarification of its statement from Friday, in which it refuted remarks by President Barack Obama that Israel now supports the Iran nuclear deal, during which it seemed to equate the nuclear deal with Iran and the agreement that Great Britain signed with Nazi Germany in 1938.

The statement, essentially an apology, said that the ministry’s words were misunderstood. This is an apparent attempt to end the diplomatic spat that erupted after the ministry’s first statement.

The statement stressed the close bonds between Israel and the US, despite the ongoing disagreement between the two allies regarding the nuclear deal.

“Israel remains deeply worried about the fact that even after the signing of the nuclear deal with Iran, the Iranian leadership continues to declare that its primary objective is the destruction of the state of Israel and continues to threaten Israel’s existence with words and actions,” the statement read.

Iran’s ballistic program, its promotion of anti-Semitism and support of global terrorism remain a real menace, the statement says, “and therefore, even if Iran abides by the nuclear deal, its official and overt policy to strive to destroy Israel invalidates its legitimacy among the international community.”

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The statement also underlines Iran military intensification since the signing of the accord a year ago, which has been made possible through the lifting of the sanctions on Iran in wake of the deal

That being said, Israel is still deeply thankful for the US’ contribution to its security and its support. ”Friday’s statement did not mean to compare, personally or historically, with the Munich pact, and we regret if it was interpreted in that way.”

US President Barack Obama on Thursday defended the nuclear accord, claiming that even Israel’s military and security community had acknowledged its success.

This prompted a sharp reaction from Israel’s defense ministry, headed by Avigdor Liberman, comparing the deal to the Munich pact signed between Great Britain and Nazi Germany in 1938, which ultimately led to World War II.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu subsequently sought to smooth things over with Washington and issued a statement in which he said that Israel “has no greater ally than the United States.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News