Diplomatic crisis sharpens between Israel and Belgium over anti-Israel invites at UN

Israel is angry at Belgium’s invitation to anti-Israel speakers at the UN Security Council.

By World Israel News Staff

The diplomatic crisis between Israel and Belgium is worsening, Israel Hayom reports on Sunday.

On Friday, Israel’s Ambassador to Belgium, Emmanuel Nahshon, was summoned to Brussels for a dressing down in the country’s foreign ministry, the paper reports.

The move was in reaction to a similar one taken by Israel against Belgium’s deputy ambassador last week in the foreign ministry in Jerusalem. He was criticized by Alon Bar, head of the ministry’s UN and International Organizations Division.

That meeting took place in the background of Belgium’s support for anti-Israel resolutions and speakers at the UN. Belgium currently holds the presidency at the UN Security Council.

Israel was particularly angry about the invitation of Brad Parker, a senior official for Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P).

NGO Monitor says DCI-P is the national section of the Geneva-based Defense for Children International and was founded in 1991. According to the watchdog, “numerous individuals with alleged ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist organization,” have worked for DCI-P.

The group supports BDS and exploits “children to promote demonization of Israel,” NGO Monitor says.

Read  Belgian minister condemns Israeli attack on Hezbollah as 'terrorism'

Nahshon tweeted on Friday, “Unfortunately, @BelgiumMFA @BelgiumUN has chosen to invite terror supporters to a Security Council debate. This is extremely disappointing and we will express our outrage in the strongest possible terms.”