Educational activities, large gatherings cancelled as after Iran launched drones against Israel

The IDF announced educational activities and gatherings of 1,000 or more people are prohibited following news that Iran launched dozens of drones against Israel.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

The IDF announced security restrictions such as the cancellation of educational activities and large gatherings as Israel braces for Iran’s attack.

Israel reaffirmed that educational activities and gatherings of 1,000 or more people are prohibited following news that Iran launched dozens of drones against Israel on Saturday night.

The guidelines were announced prior to news of the attack and were announced by IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari on Saturday night.

Although most educational institutions were closed for the Passover holiday anyway, preschools, programs for grade-school children and youth events and camping trips are also prohibited.

Hagari says Israel’s air defenses “are on alert” and “dozens of planes are ready in the sky.”

According to the initial Home Front guidelines issued before the news of the drone attack, workplaces would operate as usual in most areas of the country, although schools and gatherings of 1,000 people or more are forbidden.

In certain areas of the Gaza envelope, outdoor gatherings of at least 100 people, indoor activities of at least 300 people are prohibited and beaches are closed. It is recommended in these areas that those who can work remotely should do so.

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