‘Everything was broken’: Sderot home near Gaza border hit by rocket fire

“My wife is not feeling well now, they have taken her to resilience and I hope she will recover,” Sderot resident Meir Ben Simon said.

By Sharon Wrobel, The Algemeiner

As a barrage of over 150 rockets were fired by Hamas at Israeli territory, dozens landed in the southern town of Sderot and neighboring communities near the border with the Gaza Strip over the course of Monday.

While many were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system or landed in open areas, others hit civilian houses and left behind both physical and emotional damage.

“We heard a really loud boom and we did not make it into the shelter room,” Meir Ben Simon, a Sderot resident, told Israel’s N12 news site. “We heard all this noise, we went outside and we saw that everything was broken, all the glass.”

Ben Simon said he and wife were having a beverage at home when a rocket suddenly exploded and shrapnel hit the house, leaving the floor of filled with broken window glass. The synagogue next to their house was also damaged, according to the N12 report, but there were no casualties.

“My wife is not feeling well now, they have taken her to resilience and I hope she will recover,” Ben Simon said.

Read  Israel expecting Palestinian rockets to be launched from Judea and Samaria

“It is impossible for the situation to continue in this way,” he added. “All the time they say but do not see that they are doing enough. You really have to take care of the root of the problem, that is what needs to be done. They see and feel that there is weakness so they allow themselves to do even more and more.”