After long battle, Facebook takes down two anti-Israel, pro-terrorism pages

The pages claimed to be news sites reporting from the scene in eastern Jerusalem, when in reality they were celebrating terrorism and working to malign the State of Israel.

By World Israel News Staff

Two anti-Israel Facebook pages that celebrated terrorism were removed this week after a dedicated campaign by several NGOs.

The Maydan al Quds and Al Qastal pages were taken down, the organization Im Tirtzu said. They had been working for several months with the Lach Yerushalayim and the Choosing Life Forum.

The pages claimed to be news sites reporting from the scene in eastern Jerusalem, when in reality they were celebrating terrorism and working to malign the State of Israel.

On Sunday, the pages published videos of the terrorist who opened fire in Israel’s Old City and killed a Jewish immigrant. They also purported to have interviewed the terrorist’s daughter, his mother and son, all of whom expressed pride in the shooter.

The terrorist had dressed up as an Orthodox Jew and shot at people who were leaving prayers at the Western Wall. Four others were injured in the attack, including one seriously.

The pages incited violence and covered Palestinian and pro-Hamas marches, as well as called for the release of terrorists with blood on their hands.

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Channel 20 reported on the removal of the pages, quoting Im Tirtzu head Matan Peleg, who said that Facebook removing the pages marked “a very important day for the fight against terrorism and incitement. We thank Facebook for this important decision.”

Peleg said that the Palestinians are trying to claim this is silencing them, when in fact the pages “played a very important role in the culture of terrorism and glorification of martyrs in Palestinian society.”

The organization said that it will continue to monitor the social networks and take action against pages such as these so that they are not used for blatant incitement that leads to the spilling of the blood of our people.”