Family stunned to discover swastika painted on uncle’s head at elderly care center

An elderly man in a nursing home and suffering from Alzheimer’s had a swastika drawn on top of his head.

By World Israel News Staff

Shane Morrow was shocked to find a swastika drawn on the top of his uncle Larry’s head when he went to visit him at a Toronto elderly care center where he was staying, reports on Thursday.

“Shane said he and his mother initially thought his uncle had some sort of accident and that the black marks they were seeing were stitches. However, upon closer look, he realized they were very wrong,” the Toronto news site reports.

What they found instead was a swastika and a happy face.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Shane told

B’nai Brith Canada released a statement: “We are extremely disgusted by this story of antisemitism and elder abuse at a Toronto care facility and are further investigating the situation.”

According to, Morrow asked a staff member about the incident and was told that not one, but two swastikas had been drawn on his uncle. One was on his back and was washed off.

The swastika on his head was apparently more difficult to remove. A staff member tried scraping it off with her fingernail, the website reports.

The victim’s family was told the perpetrator had been arrested but a follow-up by found that the police said no report had been filed.

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Morrow’s uncle is 65 and suffers from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and diabetes.

The Glendale Care Centre, where the incident took place, refused to comment to, saying it was “a private matter” and  “cannot divulge any information at this time.”