First Temple discovery: 3,000-year-old ‘Beka’ weight November 21, 2018The Beka weight which was found in soil from the Western Wall foundations. (Ir David Foundation)(Ir David Foundation)First Temple discovery: 3,000-year-old ‘Beka’ weightA “Beka” weight from the First Temple period was discovered in the Emek Tzurim sifting project in Jerusalem. By World Israel News StaffA tiny stone weight engraved with ancient Hebrew letters spelling Beka, and dated to the First Temple period, was found in archaeological soil originating from the Western Wall foundations, north of the City of David, at the foot of Robinson’s Arch.The Beka weight was used to weigh the half-shekel donation brought by the Jewish people for the maintenance of the Temple and the census, and it is mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 38, Verse 26:“One beka per head; [that is,] half a shekel, according to the holy shekel, for each one who goes through the counting, from twenty years old and upward, for six hundred three thousand, five hundred and fifty [people].”Archaeologist Eli Shukron, who directed the excavations on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, said, “When the half-shekel tax was brought to the Temple during the First Temple period, there were no coins, so they used silver ingots.“In order to calculate the weight of these silver pieces they would put them on one side of the scales and on the other side they placed the Beka weight. The Beka was equivalent to the half-shekel, which every person from the age of twenty years and up was required to bring to the Temple,” he said.The biblical shekel weighed 11.33 grams.The weight, dated to the First Temple period, was found in archaeological soil originating from the Western Wall foundations, north of the City of David, at the foot of Robinson’s Arch.It was sifted at Emek Tzurim National Park, under the auspices of the Ir David Foundation.Rare find“Beka weights from the First Temple period are rare; however this weight is even rarer, because the inscription on it is written in mirror script and the letters are engraved from left to right instead of right to left,” Shukron said.“It can therefore be concluded that the artist who engraved the inscription on the weight specialized in engraving seals, since seals were always written in mirror script so that once stamped the inscription would appear in regular legible script,” he said.“Apparently, the seal craftsman got confused when he engraved the inscription on the weight and mistakenly used mirror script as he was used to doing. From this mistake we can learn about the general rule: The artists who engraved weights during the First Temple period were the same artists who specialized in creating seals,” Shukron concluded.The general public can see the Beka weight which will be on display during Hanukkah in Emek Tzurim National Park.The sifting project in Emek Tzurim National Park, under the auspices of the Ir David Foundation, together with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, is a large-scale archaeological project that offers the public an opportunity to experience archaeology without prior knowledge.The project, earning the name “The Archaeological Experience,” is closely guided by archaeologists and allows participants to become “archaeologists for a day” when they sift through the soil and find treasures from the past.Other artifacts discovered by the project include, King Hezekiah’s seal, coins from various periods of Jerusalem, arrowheads, jewelry and more.The Ir David Foundation contributed to this report. ancient IsraelBiblical archaeologyFirst Temple era