Gaza terrorist killed in ‘work accident,’ young son injured

A terrorists was killed when a terror-related explosive charge went off prematurely near the Gaza border. 

By: World Israel News Staff

A terrorist in Gaza was killed in an explosion on Monday in what Palestinian media reported as a “work accident,” the apparent result of a terror-related explosive charge that went off prematurely.

Sources identified the terrorist as Mohammed Nimer Al-Maqadmeh, in his 50s.

Another three people, including a child believed to be Al-Maqadmeh’s son, were also reportedly wounded in the incident.

Israel’s Channel 10 news, quoting Palestinian media , said Al-Maqadmeh was a member of Hamas’ military wing.

The incident reportedly took place near the border with Israel, east of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.

Al-Maqadmeh may have been preparing an explosive charge, later to be detonated against IDF forces on patrol in the area. Several such incidents have occurred recently.

This latest incident came amid the daily violence on the Israel-Gaza borderorchestrated by Hamas, the Islamic terror group that rules the Strip and calls for Israel’s destruction.

Hamas has organized a series of protests at the border under the “March of Return” banner, which the terrorist group says will continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel, which the Palestinians observe as Nakba Day, meaning Day of Catastrophe.

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Some 30 Palestinians, mostly terrorists, have been killed in over two weeks of clashes on the Gaza border.