Gaza terrorists launch rockets at Israel in solidarity with terrorist prisoners

The attacks were in support of six security prisoners who escaped the Gilboa prison in northern Israel Monday morning, four of whom were captured over the weekend.

By World Israel News Staff

Terrorists in Gaza fired a rocket into southern Israel Saturday night, triggering sirens that sounded throughout the south.

The Iron Dome Aerial Defense System intercepted the rocket mid-air.

It was the second rocket attack in two days. The first was launched Friday night.

The attacks were in support of six security prisoners who escaped the Gilboa prison in northern Israel Monday morning. Four of them were captured over the weekend.

“Wait for us, sons of apes and pigs, tonight with the whistles of terror that will break your hearts and flee to your shelters like mice,” Islamic Jihad warned.

Shortly before the red alert sirens were sounded, Abu Obadiah, spokesperson for Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigade, gave a speech in the Gaza Strip, expressing solidarity with the six fugitives, The Jerusalem Post reported.

“Jenin and its revolutionaries and heroes are not alone. We will not allow the enemy to overpower our people in the camp, and we will carry out our national duty towards them,” he stated.

Alon Davidi, mayor of the southern city of Sderot, blasted Israel’s government for what he said is a weak response to terror that empowers the Gaza-based Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups.

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“The State of Israel must not allow a situation in which terrorists who try to harm the children of Sderot and the border communities stand on their feet and are not afraid of their fate,” Davidi stated.

“[Prime Minister] Bennett and [Defense Minister] Gantz – return the peace and feeling of security to the residents of Sderot and the Gaza border communities.”