Hezbollah stored ammonium nitrate for ‘third war’ on Israel, report says

Iran-backed terror group intended to use material against Israeli in a ‘Third Lebanon War’

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

The ammonium nitrate that blew up last week in Beirut was owned by the Hezbollah terror group that intended to use the material in a war against Israel, a top investigative reporter said Friday.

The leader of the Iran-backed terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah, is the person at the top responsible for the material having been in Beirut’s port before the massive explosion last week that claimed over 150 lives, wounded 6,000 people and left a large part of the Lebanese capital in ruins, said Channel 13 Arab Affairs reporter Zvi Yehezkeli.

“I see Nasrallah as the main culprit and the main person responsible for holding and bringing this material, the ammonium nitrate to the port warehouses. As the person in charge of the port and the border crossings, that is what he is currently trying to evade,” Yehezkeli said in an interview on Tel Aviv’s 103FM radio.

Yehezkeli is fluent in Arabic and is known for being a member of the small cadre of Israeli reporters who travel abroad and go behind the scenes. He has twice infiltrated Islamic groups in Europe to report on how the Islamic State and Muslim Brotherhood operate there.

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Asked if the ammonium nitrate was intended for use against Israel, Yehezkeli was emphatically affirmative.

“Certainly. This material is the most available material for semi-military and terrorist organizations to obtain top-level explosions. It is material that was supposed to be used against us in the Third Lebanon War,” Yehezkeli said, but did not elaborate on what he based his conclusion on.

Hezbollah has a history with this material, they have been searching the world since 2011 to obtain it from all sorts of collapsing countries.”

Yehezkeli dismissed the daily mass demonstrations in Beirut against government corruption and demands for change, saying the Hezbollah leader was sticking around for the long-term.

“Nasrallah will not give up. It is true that he suffered a blow. I see Nasrallah fighting the Lebanese people. So a battle begins here and I do not know who will win it, but Nasrallah is not going anywhere,” Yehezkeli said.