IDF: Killed Palestinian medic was ‘no angel of mercy’

“Do medics in other countries throw bombs and participate in riots and refer to themselves as human shields?” an IDF spokesperson said regarding the shooting death of a Palestinian nurse.

By: World Israel News Staff

The IDF’s Arabic spokesperson commented on the death of a female Palestinian medic shot last Friday during the Hamas-led riots near the security fence at the Israel-Gaza border, saying she was “no angel of mercy.”

The IDF released a video showing her throwing a smoke grenade toward Israeli forces securing the border while wearing her medic uniform.

“Razan al-Najjar is not the angel of mercy Hamas propaganda is making her out to be,” the IDF’s Avichay Adraee tweeted Thursday, Times of Israel reported.

Adraee accompanied his tweet with a clip showing Najaar’s activities on several occasions during the recent Gaza border riots.

In one segment, she is seen giving a media interview in which she explicitly states her commitment to serve as “a human shield” for the Palestinian rioters.

“By her own admission, she was a human shield for the rioters and saboteurs, demonstrating how Hamas exploits all of Gazan society for its own purposes as well as Iran’s,” Adraee wrote.

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“Do medics in other countries throw bombs and participate in riots and refer to themselves as human shields?” he asked rhetorically.

Najjar, 21, was killed supposedly while attending to a Palestinian wounded on the battlefield.

IDF: Najjar not intentionally killed

The IDF stated earlier this week that an initial examination of the incident found that a “small number of bullets” were fired during the incident and that “no shots were deliberately or directly” aimed at Najjar.

“The examination is ongoing,” the IDF stated.

“In addition, the incident will be examined by the General Staff Fact Finding Assessment Mechanism, with the findings passed on to the Military Advocate General,” the IDF added.

Ashraf Najjar, Razan’s father, rejected Israel’s explanations, saying the IDF has “no credibility.”

“We don’t rely on their investigations and their conclusions are baseless. Instead, we call for an international investigation,” he said.

This latest incident occurred amid the daily violence on the Israel-Gaza border under the banner of the March of Return, orchestrated by Hamas, the Islamic terror group that rules the Strip and calls for Israel’s destruction.

An analysis by Israeli terrorism experts shows that 93 of the 112 Palestinians killed during the past nine weeks on the Gaza border were terrorists, mostly Hamas operatives.