IDF medic to advise UN emergency response course in Uganda

An IDF medic has been tapped to teach UN medics first response medical techniques in Africa.

By: Margot Dudkevitch, World Israel News

An Israeli army medical officer has been chosen to serve as an adviser for a special course held by the United Nations Medical Services Division in Uganda next month. Captain “A” will attend a special course designed on first response medical techniques adopted by the IDF,  at the special program to be held in Entebbe, Uganda.

After attending the course UN personnel will return to their respective countries where they will adopt the Israeli techniques into their own training.

“The United Nations understands that Israel can contribute greatly to the international community with its vast knowledge and experience. We are proud to promote such important partnerships that enables Israel to share its knowledge with the rest of the world,” said Danny Danon, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN.

Last year, seeking to advance ties between Israel and the UN, a special program was initiated whereby UN officials visited Israel to study paramedic techniques adopted by the Israeli army. The techniques studied on that visit, have since been incorporated into a special course at the UN training center for the world body’s personnel who partake in peacekeeping missions.

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In 2016, the UN World Health Organization recognized Israel’s field hospital, which is regularly sent abroad to provide aid in natural disaster sites, as “number one in the world.”