IDF sanctions Gaza bus companies for aiding Hamas

After warning Gazan bus companies, the IDF is sanctioning 14 of them for aiding Hamas’ violence on the border with Israel. 

By: World Israel News Staff

The IDF announced that it has leveled sanctions against 14 Gaza-based bus companies and their owners for aiding Hamas in busing protesters to the border with Israel to participate in the violent daily demonstrations.

The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the IDF unit responsible for implementing government policy in Judea and Samaria and vis-à-vis the Gaza Strip, announced Monday that 14 Gazan companies were identified as aiding the transportation of “Hamas terrorists and violent rioters” to the Gaza border.

“As such, sanctions will be imposed on the owners of these companies,” COGAT stated.

The sanctions include rescinding all Israeli permits given to the company owners and their families.

Ahead of the planned violence on the border, COGAT sent notices to the owners of transportation companies in the Gaza Strip warning them not to aid in the transport of rioters to the Gaza Strip border with Israel.

This announcement comes amid the daily violence on the Israel-Gaza borderorchestrated by Hamas, the Islamic terror group that rules the Gaza Strip and calls for Israel’s destruction.

Read  IDF disputes UN data on scale of Gaza destruction

Hamas has organized a series of protests at the border under the “March of Return” banner, which the terrorist group says will continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel, which the Palestinians observe as Nakba Day, meaning Day of Catastrophe.

Some 30 Palestinians, mostly terrorists, have been killed in over two weeks of clashes on the Gaza border.