IDF soldier wounded, female terrorist killed in attack at Jerusalem checkpoint

“The female terrorist, who left her car with a knife and tried to continue the terror attack by stabbing, was shot and now we’ve declared her dead.”

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

A female Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed by Israeli security forces on Wednesday morning after she wounded one soldier during a combination car-ramming and stabbing attack at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

According to the IDF, the woman tried to run over soldiers stationed at the Hizma checkpoint on Route 60, between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim.

She then exited her vehicle and attempted to stab the soldiers.

“A soldier was lightly wounded in his limbs in a ramming attack next to Hizma,” said emergency response group Rescuers Without Borders in a statement.

“The female terrorist, who left her car with a knife and tried to continue the terror attack by stabbing, was shot and now we’ve declared her dead.”

The attack comes one day after the Jerusalem Flag March, in which mostly religious Zionist youth celebrate the 1967 reunification of Jerusalem.

The event, which was originally scheduled for May 10th, was cut short after Gaza-based terror group Hamas launched rockets at Jerusalem during the march.

Last week, the Israeli government cancelled the march, citing fears that it could reignite tensions in the region.

Read  Four injured in terrorist ramming attack in central Israel

But the march ended up taking place on Tuesday, albeit following a modified route that avoided flashpoint sites in Jerusalem.

“Our brave resistance force forced Israel to change the route of the Flag March,” diverting it away from Al-Aqsa Mosque, said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum.

He declared the route change a victory for the terror group.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said 33 Palestinian protesters had been injured in clashes with police, although none of them were seriously hurt.

Two Israeli police officers were hospitalized due to Palestinian rock-throwing.

Right wing Religious Zionism MK Itamar Ben Gvir said prior to the event that the march was important to reinforce Israeli sovereignty.

“The Flag March will take place in spite of Hamas and Islamic Jihad opposition,” he said in a statement.

“I will participate in the Flag March and will fly the Israeli flag with pride. We don’t need permission from Hamas, Islamic Jihad … to march in Israel’s capital.”