IDF’s official Twitter feed first appeared hacked, but instead was warning

The post of the young girl didn’t include any explanation.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

The Israeli Defense Forces official Twitter feed posted a picture of a pretty girl taking a selfie on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. People immediately questioned the strange post wondering if the feed had been hacked.

The picture didn’t include any text explaining the reason for the unusual picture, which shows the sort of image one would expect to see on a dating site.

However, it was the IDF’s way of reporting that it had foiled a Hamas cyberattack. The terror group based in the Gaza Strip had attempted to infect cellphones of IDF service members.

Dubbed “Operation Rebound,” the IDF thwarted a number of Hamas servers which had tried to download malicious software onto soldiers’ mobile devices.

The IDF said it was the first time such an operation had been “carried out against this kind of Hamas infrastructure.”

In a statement, the IDF said that Israeli intelligence “identified ongoing attempts carried out by the Hamas terror organization to spread malware and infect mobile devices belonging to IDF soldiers…. by contacting those serving in the IDF on social media and tempting them to download malicious programs.”

Read  Israel raids UNRWA school, medical clinic where Hamas terrorists holed up

The Twitter post, which it turns out was depicting one of the images used by Hamas to lure soldiers, caused confusion and some humorous replies from the IDF account’s followers who didn’t understand the mysterious post’s meaning.

“Has your account been hacked!!!?” replied one Twitter user.

“Is Benny Gantz running your account?” asked another in a tongue-in-cheek post that was meant to reference an August report that the Blue and White opposition leader’s cellphone and computer, together with those of others in his party, had been hacked by the Russians.

Another wrote jokingly, referring to the appeal of the young lady pictured, “The terrorists have officially lost.”

Still another wrote “Fine I guess I’ll sign up.”

Other tweets included:

“wtf i love israel now”

“No one’s complaining.”

“More pics”

“I’m looking for some military trained body guards. She will do.”

“Booking my birthright trip right now.”