IMPRESSIVE: David’s Sling defense system passes advanced tests, big success

The Israeli Air Force, the Israel Ministry of Defense Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) in the DDR&D, and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems have successfully concluded a series of exercises and tests in southern Israel in which the “David’s Sling” air and missile defense system intercepted complex scenarios.

The scenarios simulated advanced threats, enhancing the system’s capabilities and significantly improving the State of Israel’s multi-tiered air and missile defense array.

The “David’s Sling” successfully performed a series of live-fire tests, specifically designed to counter advanced threats like ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, aircrafts, and UAVs. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elbit Systems also participated in the tests.

The David’s Sling system, together with the Arrow systems, the Iron Dome, and the C-Dome (the naval configuration of the Iron Dome), forms an essential layer of the State of Israel’s air and missile defense array. The Israel Ministry of Defense, through the IMDO, leads their development efforts.

The primary contractor for the system is Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, with Raytheon Missile Systems as a sub-contractor. The MMR is developed by Elta, a subsidiary of IAI, and Elbit Systems is the developer of the BMC command center.

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(Video credit: Israel Ministry of Defense Spokesperson’s Office)