‘In Jenin, we are one army’ — Calls for revenge after terror chief killed

After prominent terrorist killed in firefight with Israeli troops, terror groups rally in Jenin.

By World Israel News Staff

Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets of Jenin on Sunday evening, hoisting automatic weapons in the air, waving the flags of various terror groups, and calling for revenge against Israel after the death of a prominent terrorist.

Daoud Zubeidi, who was affiliated with both Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Fatah, was seriously wounded during a firefight with Israeli troops last Friday morning. He was airlifted to Rambam Hospital in Haifa and died of his wounds on Sunday.

Palestinian media charged that the Mossad and Shin Bet security agencies had ordered doctors at Rambam to kill Zubeidi, charges which the medical center dismissed as “fake news.”

Zubeidi’s brother, Zakaria, is one of the convicted terrorists who escaped from Gilboa Prison in a jailbreak last year. Both Islamic Jihad and Fatah had pledged to “open the gates of hell” should Zubeidi die.

Although Zubeidi’s body has not yet been returned to his family, scores of Jenin locals and terror groups organized a symbolic funeral for him on Sunday evening.

“In spirit and in blood you will be redeemed, Daoud,” they chanted, while marching through the streets.

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Zubeidi’s son, Taha, participated in the rally, holding his father’s M-16 and wearing an Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade headband.

Fathi Hazem, the father of the terrorist who killed three people in a shooting attack on Tel Aviv’s Dizengoff Street in April, spoke to a crowd in front of Zubeidi’s home.

In an impassioned speech, Hazem encouraged participants to unite and commit terror attacks against Israel, without distinguishing along so-called political lines.

“In Jenin, there are no Hamas martyrs or Islamic Jihad martyrs, or Al-Quds Brigades martyrs, we are all one body, under one flag, with one goal — to resist and fight the occupier, the enemy,” Hazem said.

“In Jenin, we are one army.”

Hazem’s speech was well-received, with the crowd shouting “God is great” and firing their weapons in the air in response.