Investigation closed in Sheikh Jarrah stabbing, 14-yr-old girl detained further

Victim, Jewish mother of five, disturbed that she knew the young Palestinian girl. Fifteen-year-old accomplice also detained. 

By World Israel News staff

The investigation into the 14-year-old Palestinian girl who last week stabbed a mother of five in Sheikh Jarrah was closed on Thursday, Israeli media reported.

The girl’s detention was extended by five days, and an indictment is set to be filed against her.

Moriah Cohen, 26, was walking her children to school when she was approached by the girl who stabbed her in the back. Her children were not harmed.

The suspect was located at a nearby high school when a police helicopter was deployed to the scene.

Moriah suffered multiple stab wounds but was later reported to be in stable condition at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital.

It was later revealed by Moriah’s husband that his family is acquainted with the girl, as her family lives in a house located in front of their own.

According to her husband, Dvir, the girl waited until his wife left their home to walk her children to school, and “closely followed her” for a significant distance.

Channel 13 confirmed on Thursday that the attack was premeditated, and upon arriving to the high school after the attack changed clothes in order to conceal the evidence. Her 15-year-old friend was also arrested for concealing evidence and impeding the investigation.

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Dvir told Channel 13 that Moriah was disturbed by the fact that she knew the suspect, and that they were neighbors.