Israel appoints Druze to head ministry of communications

Netanyahu announced he is appointing Kara, of the Druze minority, as minister of communications in his stead.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced over the weekend that he is appointing Member of Knesset (MK) Ayoub Kara, of the Druze minority, as minister of communications in his stead.

Netanyahu was forced to relinquish the portfolio, which he has held since 2015, following a police investigation into his alleged misconduct, which involved the manipulation of the newspaper scene.

The cabinet approved his appointment during its weekly meeting on Sunday, which was held in the Western Wall tunnels in Jerusalem’s Old City in honor of Jerusalem Day.

Kara, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, has served until now as deputy minister in the Regional Cooperation Ministry. He was active in developing new links with Arab countries and in advancing Israel’s Druze and Circassian communities.

The Druze, a religious minority in Israel, are known for their dedication to the State of Israel and to the IDF. Some 85 percent of Israel’s male Druze population chooses to join the Israeli military, and many continue their service far beyond their scheduled release dates.

The Druze religion is rooted in Ismailism, a branch of Shiite Islam. Druze communities are mostly found in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.

Read  WATCH: Druze school sings Am Yisrael Chai at end-of-year ceremony

By: World Israel News Staff