Israel attacks Hamas targets for 3rd night in a row in response to rocket fire

For the third consecutive night, the IAF bombed Hamas military targets in response to rockets fired at Israel. One civilian sustained light wounds and several were treated for shock.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Israel Air Forces (IAF) warplanes bombed Hamas targets inside the Gaza Strip on Wednesday night in response to three rockets fired at the city of Sderot earlier in the evening.

An IDF spokesman said the targets were Hamas facilities used as training and weapons storage compounds.

Earlier in the evening, an IAF Iron Dome battery successfully intercepted two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel. An additional rocket was launched from Gaza at Israeli territory and fell in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council.

United Hatzalah EMS volunteers in Sderot treated a number of people for shock as well as one person who sustained light injuries to his legs while  running to a secured bomb shelter.

“The State of Israel will not allow anyone to harm or attempt to harm its civilians, and will continue to guard its sovereignty,” the IDF stated after its attack on Hamas.

The Hamas terror group did not fire the rockets, however, “The IDF holds the Hamas terror organization responsible for the poverty, destruction, and despair among the citizens of the Gaza Strip,” the spokesman stated.

Read  IDF disputes UN data on scale of Gaza destruction

Recent days have seen a spike in rockets attacks from Gaza following President Donald Trump’s announcement that the US recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. A total of 15 rockets have been fired at Israel in the past week.

While tensions are high on the border with Gaza, the IDF estimates that Hamas is not seeking to escalate the situation or engage in a full-blown armed conflict with Israel for the time being.