Israel bombs 11 Hamas targets, braces for another day of violence

After the extreme violence perpetrated by Hamas-led Palestinians on Monday, the IDF prepared for another day of rioting on the Gaza border. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft on Monday conducted strikes on 11 terror targets in one of Hamas’ military compounds in northern Gaza, following the mass violent riots on the border with Gaza.

Similarly, IDF tanks targeted two Hamas terror posts in Gaza, one from which shots were fired at IDF forces.

Throughout the day, many rioters attempted to infiltrate Israel, with approximately 10 explosive devices and several firebombs were used and numerous shots fired at IDF forces defending Israel’s southern border.

These acts of terrorism were part of the Hamas-led violent 40,000-member offensive on Israel’s border during its so-called March of Return, which IDF troops operated to thwart. IDF forces responded with riot dispersal means and live fire in accordance with standard operating procedures.

Some 59 Palestinians were killed in the attacks and some 1,400 were wounded.

During the violent riots, Palestinians once again set fire to the Kerem Shalom Crossing, for the third time in two weeks.

The United Nations (UN) has warned that an alternative method of getting fuel to Gaza must be found immediately; otherwise, dwindling supplies needed to run hospitals, collect garbage, pump water and treat sewage will run out.

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The appeal late Sunday by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) came two days after hundreds of Palestinian rioters, led by Hamas, destroyed the Kerem Shalom fuel terminal at the main cargo crossing with Israel, the only entry point for fuel to Gaza. Officials say it could take months to repair the damage.

Despite the repeated vandalism and destruction, Israel Minister of Defense Avigdor Liberman approved the IDF recommendation to reopen the crossing to transport goods into Gaza on Tuesday.

The IDF is preparing for another onslaught on Israel’s border on Tuesday, which is the Palestinian Nakba Day (“day of catastrophe”), on which they mourn the establishment of the Jewish state.

“The IDF will continue to prevent mass terror attacks, which have largely been orchestrated by the Hamas terror organization,” a spokesman stated. “All terror activity will be met with a harsh response. IDF troops will continue to defend Israel and its civilians.”

Hamas’ war crimes

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Danny Danon called on the Security Council to condemn Hamas’ “war crimes.”

“Condemn Hamas for the war crimes they commit. Not only does Hamas incite tens of thousands of Palestinians to breach the border and hurt Israeli civilians, but Hamas also deliberately endangers Palestinian civilians,” Danon stated.

Read  IDF disputes UN data on scale of Gaza destruction

“The murder of Israeli civilians or deaths of the people of Gaza – each one of them is a desirable outcome for Hamas,” he added.

“Every casualty on the border is a victim of Hamas’ war crimes, every death is a result of Hamas’ terror activity, and these casualties are solely Hamas’ responsibility,” Danon concluded.