Israel considering partial hostage release in exchange for 6-week ceasefire

Israel reportedly agrees ‘in principle’ to outline for new hostage deal that Hamas is currently reviewing.

By David Rosenberg, World Israel News

A new hostage release deal may be in the offing, with Israel reportedly agreeing to parts of a new proposal currently under consideration by the Hamas terrorist organization.

According to a report by The Washington Post Tuesday, officials familiar with talks on a possible deal say that Israel has agreed “in principle” to parts of of the latest framework drafted by the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar, who have been serving as brokers between Israel and Hamas.

Hamas has not rejected the proposal thus far, and is reportedly considering how to respond.

The brief document in question lays out in bullet points basic terms for a possible deal, and is short on details.

The conditions suggested in the framework include the release of Israeli civilians – but not Israeli military personnel – held captive in Gaza, in exchange for a six-week ceasefire and a temporary withdrawal of IDF forces from some densely populated sections of the Gaza Strip.

Furthermore, Israel would, under this proposal, release three jailed terrorists for every captive freed from Gaza.

In addition, the two sides would, at the conclusion of the six-week ceasefire, have an option to extend the truce, at which time Israeli soldiers would be released, along with the bodies of Israeli hostages who died in captivity.

Read  How the NY Times misreports the Gaza war

Of the 136 Israelis still unaccounted for, Israeli intelligence believes 109 are still alive.

Qatar, Egypt, and the U.S. drafted the current proposal following talks with Israel – represented by Mossad chief David Barnea, in Paris on Sunday.

With Israel reportedly backing parts of the proposal, negotiators are optimistic the outline can serve as the basis for an agreement acceptable to both Hamas and Jerusalem.

Egypt has already transmitted the proposal to Hamas leaders inside the Gaza Strip, who have yet to respond.

Officials cited in Tuesday’s report say the talks are still in their early stages, and there remain major gaps between the two sides on details for a possible deal.