Israel to convene anti-BDS summit at UN

Israel and a number of Jewish and pro-Israel organizations will hold an event at the UN that will emphasize the need to counter and fight the BDS movement. 

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Danny Danon will convene a conference at the UN on efforts to fight back against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel (BDS).

“We will gather in the General Assembly Hall and stand against the attempts by the BDS movement to infiltrate the UN and harm Israel,” Danon explained. “This gathering is on the frontlines of our battle against the global BDS movement.”

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder, whose organization is co-sponsoring the summit, stressed what he felt was an imperative to address BDS at the UN.

“In the UN, international institutions, and academic forums, we are witnessing a dangerous form of anti-Semitism in the attempts to delegitimize Israel and deny the Jewish people their right to security and sovereignty,” Lauder said. “This is undeniably anti-Semitic and it must never become acceptable.”

“We cannot fight anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel alone,” Lauder continued. “We must work together to spread the truth and to make sure the world knows this is not just a Jewish problem, it is a problem that concerns us all.”

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The summit is also being held in partnership with a number of other Jewish and pro-Israel organizations including, the Jewish Agency of Israel, B’nai B’rith International, Hillel International, Hasbara Fellowships, AEPI, StandWithUS, and CAMERA.

“Israel has countless supporters who work tirelessly against these forces of darkness,” Danon remarked. “Now is the time for us all to come together as a united front as we face this challenge.”

Meanwhile, Israel has just passed legislation that bars supporters of boycotting Israel from entering the country.

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News