Israel endures 3rd night of rocket strikes, limits Gaza fishing zone

Palestinians launched six rockets at Israel, two of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS

Gaza-based terrorists bombed civilian targets in southern Israel on Sunday evening, for the third consecutive night.

The terrorists launched six rockets at Israel. Two of the rockets, fired at the city of Sderot, were intercepted by the Iron Dome Defense System, some of the launches failed and the rockets exploded in Gaza, and some exploded in an open space in Israel.

The rockets caused no direct injuries or damage.

Four people from Sderot were lightly injured after falling while running for shelter during the attacks.

MDA staff provided them with medical treatment and evacuated them to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.

The hospital said that a 28-year-old pregnant woman arrived at the hospital with a shoulder injury and was examined by a surgeon, after which she was transferred to the maternity ward for monitoring.

The rest of the casualties arrived with general injuries, in light condition.

IDF Major General Ghasan Alyan, Head of the Unit for Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), announced that fishing off the coast of Gaza would be banned completely.

“Hamas bears responsibility for everything that happens in and out of the Gaza Strip towards Israel, and it will bear the consequences of the violence perpetrated against the citizens of Israel,” Alyan stated.

Read  IDF disputes UN data on scale of Gaza destruction

This is the third consecutive night in which Israeli citizens in the south have been under attacks, and Gazan terrorists have launched a total of 46 rockets at Israel in 72 hours.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government have decided, for the time being, not to strike back in a decisive manner.