Israel rains fire on Gaza terrorists, hitting rocket storage site

“The Hamas terror organization is responsible for all events transpiring in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

After Hamas fired rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory, IDF fighter jets and aircraft struck several Hamas military targets in the southern Gaza Strip overnight Sunday.

A terrorist compound used to store rocket ammunition belonging to Hamas was hit.

The IDF says it views any terror activity against Israel with great severity and will continue operating against attempts to harm Israeli civilians or Israeli sovereignty.

“The Hamas terror organization is responsible for all events transpiring in the Gaza Strip and emanating from it, and will bear the consequences for terror activity against Israeli civilians,” the IDF said in a statement.

The latest attack marks several days of back and forth between Israel and the terror group which controls the Gaza Strip.

Early Sunday morning, a 58-year-old Israeli man was lightly injured by shrapnel when a Gaza rocket struck his patio in the city of Sderot.

There were also clashes along the border fence earlier on Saturday evening, something Israel hasn’t seen for some months. The IDF reports that dozens of rioters instigated clashes along the Gaza Strip security fence. The rioters burned tires, hurled explosive devices and grenades towards the security fence and attempted to approach it.

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Hamas’ “harassment unit” will resume its operations on the Gaza border, according to reports. Israel can therefore expect riots and terror along its border to continue, including  tire burning and the throwing of explosives at Israeli communities.

Hamas has promised to escalate tensions on the southern front as part of its bully tactics to ensure the continued flow of cash (recent Qatari aid ran out) and to force Israel to help with economic projects.