Israel strikes Lebanon after rocket fire on northern border

After rocket launched from southern Lebanon hits northern Israeli field, IDF strikes back.

By World Israel News Staff

The Israeli air force fired dozens of shells and flash bombs at targets in southern Lebanon late Monday evening after a rocket fired from Lebanese territory landed inside of Israel.

Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese media outlets said that a rocket fired into Israel had originated in a small town near Tyre, which is located some 22 kilometers (13 miles) north of the border.

Because the rocket was projected to land in an open field near Kibbutz Matzuva, no air raid sirens were heard in Israel.

Notably, the IDF’s response to rocket fire from Lebanon was a significant departure from its typical strategy regarding projectiles originating from the Gaza Strip.

Unlike Gazan rocket launches, which are met with IAF air strikes using precision missiles, the Lebanese targets were hit by less powerful shells.

Flash bombs, which are not intended to damage or destroy structures, were also used by Israel, apparently in order to confuse and intimidate the targets.

According to Hezbollah, one flash bomb sparked a fire outside the village of Sheikhin.

No casualties were reported by the Lebanese side, though a senior IDF captain responsible for artillery in the northern region told Hebrew-language media that Israel “reacted in a quick, deadly and effective way.”

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IDF spokesman Dan Cochav told Ynet that while no group has claimed responsibility for the launch, he believes that the perpetrators are “Palestinian factions that fired because of the clashes on the Temple Mount.

UNIFIL, a UN-backed peacekeeping force permanently stationed along the Israel-Lebanon border, pleaded for de-escalation.

“A rocket was launched from Lebanon toward Israel early this morning. Israel Defense Forces are returning fire with dozens of shells. UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander @aroldo_lazaro urges calm and restraint in this volatile and ongoing situation,” UNIFIL tweeted.

Security blogger Abu Ali Express noted that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave a fiery speech to the public, in honor of the Islamic holiday of Laylat Al-Kadr, just hours before the rocket was launched.

“Tonight we are Allah’s guests… tonight we have a chance to be born again… we will start a new life and start a new page with Allah,” Nasrallah said.

“This is a divine, historic opportunity that will not return in the new year.”