Israeli man shot at, stabbed outside Hebron

Terrorist opens fire on Israeli man driving near Hebron before stabbing him repeatedly.

By World Israel News Staff

An Israeli man in his 50s is in serious condition Wednesday, after he was wounded in a terrorist attack outside of Hebron in Judea.

On Wednesday morning, a Palestinian Arab terrorist opened fire on a passing Israeli vehicle at Okfim Junction, near the Israeli town of Kiryat Araba in the vicinity of Hebron.

When the driver was forced to stop, the terrorist rushed the vehicle and stabbed the driver repeatedly, leaving him wounded in his head, arm, and upper torso.

Two young women who were also present in the car at the time of the attack were unharmed.

Emergency first responders from United Hatzalah and Magen David Adom were dispatched to the scene to treat the wounded man, before evacuating him to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

“When we arrived on the scene we saw an Israeli car and nearby it a conscious 50-year-old man, who suffered from stab wounds on his upper body, and two young women who were in the car with him, without injuries,” said MDA emergency first responder Eli Gertner and paramedics Yaira Vangush and Netanel Yamin.

“We gave the male lifesaving medical treatment and evacuated him to the hospital while he was conscious and in serious condition.”

Hospital officials said that the man was rushed to the center’s trauma unit and that he has been transferred to the unit’s operating room. His condition is serious but stable.

An IDF spokesperson said that the terrorist opened fire on the driver with a handgun, adding that the army has launched a manhunt for the perpetrator.

“A short while ago, a terrorist armed with a pistol arrived in his vehicle at the Okfim Route and opened fire at an Israeli civilian at the scene. Afterward, the terrorist exited his vehicle and stabbed the civilian.”

“IDF soldiers are pursuing the terrorist who fled the scene, and blocking routes in the area.”
