Israeli moderately injured in rock attack, children in light condition May 25, 2022A father and his son evacuated for treatment. (Samaria Regional Council via TPS)(Samaria Regional Council via TPS)Israeli moderately injured in rock attack, children in light condition“Arabs tried to murder my son and little grandchildren in Hawara!!” MK Orit Strook, mother and grandmother of the victims, commented on the incident.By Aryeh Savir, TPSAn Israeli man was moderately injured and his two children sustained light injuries on Tuesday night when they were attacked by Arab terrorists who threw rocks at their car while they were driving through the town of Hawara in Samaria.The father lost control of the car and had an accident. The father and toddler were evacuated with head injuries, and the girl suffered from anxiety.The victims were the son and grandsons of Member of Knesset Orit Strook.“Arabs tried to murder my son and little grandchildren in Hawara!!” she tweeted with photos of the smashed car.In another attack, Arab rioters threw stones near the village of Singil and hit a number of Israeli vehicles. An Israeli was lightly injured and was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem for treatment.Another Israeli vehicle was pelted with stones and the driver was treated for anxiety.In Hebron, Arabs threw a firebomb at the Avraham Avinu neighborhood.Head of the Binyamin Regional Council Yisrael Gantz slammed the government for its inaction and said that “the State of Israel is not up to a simple task and every day we are hit with rocks which are meant to kill us.”Read PA and Israel agree that Qatar's Al-Jazeera, bullhorn for the Muslim Brotherhood, promotes jihad, radical Islam, terrorism“The forgiving treatment, the policy of containment, and the desire for false silence shatter on the windshields of the vehicles, injuring and endangering us. The political echelon has decided to allow this to happen instead of cutting off this terrorism with an iron fist,” he charged.Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, said that “Jewish blood is being shed again and again in Samaria, and what is the government doing? Evacuating [the community] of Chomesh [in Samaria]. This government is losing its deterrence again and again, and it must recover. This government is failing in security, failing in settlement, and we will replace it.” Israeli governmentJudea and SamariaOrit StrookPalestinian terrorrock-throwingTerror AttackYisrael GantzYossi Dagan