Jewish women, daughters rescued from Palestinian mob in Nablus

“If the mob had lynched the family, we would have woken up this morning to a completely different movie,” said a senior Israeli security official.

By World Israel News Staff

Two Jewish Israeli women and three daughters were rescued by Palestinian security forces in the PA-administered city of Nablus (Shechem) in Samaria on Tuesday, just two hours ahead of the Yom Kippur holy day.

The women, residents of the central Israeli city of Elad, went on an unauthorized venture to the PA-administered city that is also a hotbed of Palestinian terror. It is illegal for an Israeli to enter “Area A” – cities under Palestinian political and military control, including Nablus – without a permit.

While they were shopping, which reportedly was the purpose of the outing, local Palestinian policemen noticed the vehicle with an Israeli license plate and protected them from potential violence. Video footage shows a mob of Palestinians gathered around the vehicle.

The women were then taken for questioning before being transferred to Israeli security officials.

A senior Israeli security official praised the Palestinian police, saying, “”They acted independently, efficiently and quickly, with the understanding that if the mob had lynched the family, we would have woken up this morning to a completely different movie.”