Kamala Harris pressing Biden to get ‘tougher’ on Israel

The Vice President is reportedly lobbying in favor of a more pro-Palestinian stances in the White House, pushing Biden to get ‘tough’ on Israel.

By David Rosenberg, World Israel News

Vice President Kamala Harris has been leading an effort from within the White House to push President Joe Biden into taking a more pro-Palestinian stance in regards to the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization, Politico reported Thursday.

Citing three separate sources with knowledge of Harris’ comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict, the vice president has urged Biden to be “tougher” on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in part to force Israel to restrict its operations in Gaza so as to protect the civilian population.

In addition, Harris has reportedly demanded that the U.S. draft definitive “day after” plans for the future of the Gaza Strip after Israel has defeated Hamas, one senior Biden administration official said.

In recent weeks, Israel and the U.S. have expressed differing opinions regarding future control of the coastal enclave after the war.

While Prime Minister Netanyahu has signaled Israel should retain security control of the Strip, the White House has called for the Palestinian Authority to ultimately be allowed to administer Gaza – a position Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected.

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The U.S. and Israel have minimized their differences on the subject, with the Biden administration acknowledging that the Palestinian Authority must first undergo serious reforms before it will be ready to take over the Gaza Strip, and that Israel will likely need to maintain security control of the area for some interim period.

The Vice President’s press secretary, Kirsten Allen, downplayed the differences between Harris and Biden on the issue, saying “there is no daylight between the president and the vice president, nor has there been.”

Democratic voters are sharply divided over how the U.S. should respond to the war between Israel and Hamas, with a plurality of Democrats telling pollsters they now sympathize more with Palestinian Arabs than with Israelis – in sharp contrast to Republicans and Americans as a whole, who strongly sympathize more with Israelis than Palestinians.

Progressive Democratic lawmakers, including senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, have demanded the Biden administration limit weapon sales to Israel, while the “Squad” of far-left House Democrats have demanded the White House pressure Israel to accept a permanent ceasefire.