Kerry tells Netanyahu: US will prevent follow-up UN resolution in Paris

Kerry told Netanyahu that the US will work to soften the summary text of Sunday’s Mideast summit in Paris and ensure that the conference doesn’t lead to a new anti-Israel UN resolution. 

US Secretary of State John Kerry informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday that the outgoing Obama Administration will oppose any efforts at the UN Security Council to pass a resolution based on conclusions reached at the summit in Paris.

According to Israeli sources, Kerry spoke with Netanyahu from the conference, saying that the US would work to soften the language of the conference’s summary text.

An earlier draft of the summary text called upon Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) “to disavow official voices on their side that reject” a two-state solution between Israel and the PA. Such a guideline essentially calls for Israel to reject the opinions of at least several elected ministers who unequivocally oppose the two-state solution.

Netanyahu reportedly replied to Kerry that damage was already inflicted when the Obama Administration abstained from a UN Security Council resolution on December 23 that condemned any Israeli presence in territories won by Israel from Jordan during the 1967 Six Day War.

Kerry then reassured Netanyahu that there will be no follow-up UN Security Council resolution from Sunday’s summit in Paris is passed in the remaining few days of the Obama presidency.

Read  Under fire from Israel, UN Security Council to discuss hostage crisis

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News