Lesbian group apologizes for post condemning antisemitism

Lesbian group backtracks on condemnation of ‘all forms of antisemitism,’ deleting post welcoming Jews and issuing apology to ‘Palestinian people who are experiencing genocide.’

By World Israel News Staff

A far-left lesbian activist group walked back a social media post welcoming Jews and condemning antisemitism, saying the post was insensitive to “Palestinian people who are experiencing genocide.”

Last Thursday, ahead of the annual New York City Dyke March, held on Saturday, organizers posted a statement to the march’s Instagram account in response to concerns voiced by Jews interested in participating in the event.

“We have received many messages over the last several months, asking the committee members if Jewish dykes are safe and welcome to the 2024 NYC Dyke March.”

In their message, organizers welcomed Jewish participants and condemned antisemitism “in all forms.”

“The answer is yes, as a committee we want to  reiterate our position that we stand against antisemitism in all forms.”

The march committee then went on to condemn that October 7th invasion of Israel, while accusing Israel of genocide in its war against the Hamas terror organization.

“While we believe it is urgent to center the dire plight of the Palestinian people, we understand the need from our community to address Jewish pain and fear in the face of rising antisemitism worldwide.”

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March organizers said the group stans “against the ongoing genocide in Palestine,” while “publicly acknowledging the attacks of October 7th has also caused harm.”

“We mourn the senseless loss of Jewish life that occurred as a result of the October 7th attacks.”

“We believe unequivocal solidarity and empathy for Jewish safety can coexist alongside unwavering commitment to Palestinian safety and freedom.”

Shortly afterwards, however, organizers deleted the post, and later posted an apology and clarification.

“Late at night on June 27, a member of the Dyke March Committee posted a statement on our Instagram. The statement was approved by several other committee members. However, it was published without a full committee-wide vote and does not reflect the official stance of the Dyke March. The post was a mistake. Therefore, within 30 minutes we deleted it.”

In its follow-up message, the group explicitly endorsed “Palestinian liberation and condemned Zionism as an “imperialist agenda.”

“We take full responsibility and apologize for the process and communication breakdown that led us here, as well as the harm our statement caused. Dyke March unapologetically stands in support of Palestinian liberation. This moment is a critical reminder to our committee to remain firm in our stance that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, and any language we put out which is not clearly opposed to a Zionist, imperialist agenda is harmful to all.”