Massive anti-Israel ‘day of action’ planned in London

Pro-Hamas demonstrators to rally in British capital next week for largest planned anti-Israel protest since October 7th.

By Susan Tawil, World Israel News

Anti-Israel activists in the UK are planning major demonstrations for January 13.

Calling for a “global day of action,” the Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB), the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al-Aqsa, the Stop the War Coalition, the Muslim Association of Britain, and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament are organizing the largest anti-Israel protest gathering in London since the Israel-Hamas war began.

Following the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7th, anti-Israel rallies have been held in London weekly, drawing crowds of up to 100,000.

Britain’s former Home Secretary Suella Braverman denounced these continual protests as ‘hate marches,’ as the throngs typically clamor for the destruction of Israel.

Gideon Falter, chief executive of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), said: “We have witnessed at these rallies mass criminality, including glorification of terrorism, support for banned terrorist organisations such as Hamas, and incitement to racial or religious hatred against Jews.” He said that “…seeing week after week, tens, even hundreds of thousands of people coursing through the capital city” has left England’s Jewish community feeling “disappointed and betrayed by the authorities.”

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“I feel very unsafe living in my country,” said a member of the English Jewish community. “I’ve been afraid to go into London,” and “I feel afraid on the tube (subway).”

Falter said that the marches have prompted Jews to “vacate their homes, remove their Star of David necklaces, and hide their kippahs.”

London’s Metropolitan Police has been urged to ban the demonstrations.

“You have people who are clearly glorifying terrorism…” Falter said. “Our urban centres have become no-go zones for Jews.”