Netanyahu: Automatic majority against Israel at UN will disappear

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “It is only a question of time because the strengthening relations between us and the countries of the world will also find expression in the way in which these countries vote at the UN.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the notorious automatic majority against Israel at the United Nations will soon be reversed.

Speaking at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Netanyahu lauded Israel’s relations with the US, which are “stronger than ever,” adding that “something is happening now, an unprecedented flourishing of our international relations with the countries of the world.”

While addressing the UN’s General Assembly in New York last week, he chided the body for its double standard and its automatic vote against Israel, but saying it was only a question of time until “this theater of the absurd disappears.”

“It is only a question of time because the strengthening relations between us and the countries of the world will also find expression in the way in which these countries vote at the UN,” Netanyahu said in Jerusalem.

“I must say that the change is considerable. We see countries in the region, first of all, that more and more understand that Israel is not their enemy, but their ally against the forces of radical Islam. Many other countries are rushing to deepen relations with us,” he added.

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During the GA, Israel showcased its contributions to Africa and its technologies implemented there.

“African leaders lined up one after the other and told me, ‘we are in need of the Israeli miracle. You are helping us to solve our water, energy and public health problems. In every field, we want Israel,'” Netanyahu shared of his experience there.

Netanyahu also held a special meeting with 15 heads of state and representatives from African countries on the sidelines of the GA.

Israel has recently boosted its diplomatic ties with several African countries, peaked by Netanyahu’s historic summer visit to several West African countries.

“Just as I have said that Israel is returning to Africa, it is also important to say that Africa is returning to Israel. The automatic UN majority is based, first and foremost, on the African bloc. It is only a question of time before we break up this majority and move it from one side to the other; this is a very great change in the international status of Israel,” Netanyahu declared.

He called on his ministers to go to Africa. “Just as I told you to go to China, India and other countries, I am telling you to go to Africa. We will paint the map of the world blue and white, and in the end even the UN will reflect this changing reality,” he said.

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By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News