Netanyahu thanks US for support: Hamas rocket attacks are ‘double war crime’

Prime minister thanks the international community for its support. 

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the U.S. and the international community for their solidarity as Israel battled rockets fired by Hamas terrorists, saying no country in the world would tolerate such war crimes against its people.

“This past week, millions of Israelis were forced into bomb shelters as missiles rained down on our cities. Several Israelis have been killed. Many more have been wounded,” Netanyahu said in a televised statement.

“You know and I know, no country would tolerate this. Israel will not tolerate this,” Netanyahu said. “Israel has responded forcefully to these attacks and we will continue to respond forcefully until the security of our people is reinstated and restored.”

“I want to remind the world that in firing on our cities, Hamas is committing a double war crime. They’re targeting our civilians and hiding behind Palestinian civilians, effectively using them as human shields,” Netanyahu said, pointing out that “Israel is doing everything possible to protect our civilians and keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way.”

Since Tuesday, Israel Air Force strikes have knocked down several multistory buildings in Gaza known to by used by the Hamas military. Israel contacted the residents of the building in advance, warning them to vacate before the attack came.|

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“We take special care to avoid these civilian casualties, exactly the opposite of Hamas,” Netanyahu noted, adding that defeating Hamas “serves the interests of all those who seek peace, stability and security in the Middle East.”

Netanyahu thanked the many countries that expressed solidarity with Israel and supported its right to self-defense after Hamas initiated the hostilities by firing a barrage of rockets at Jerusalem.

“I want to thank the President of the United States Joe Biden and I want to thank the many countries, including European countries, who flew the Israeli flag in solidarity on their government buildings,” Netanyahu said, calling Biden’s support “clear and unequivocal.”

Several European countries flew the Israeli flag in solidarity with Israel, including at the Federal Chancellery in Austria.

“The terrorist attacks on Israel are to be condemned in the strongest! Together we stand by Israel’s side,” tweeted Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

Referring to the violence that broke out inside Israel, Netanyahu said the country “will not tolerate … this unacceptable vigilantism and violence.”

“Israel is the Jewish and democratic state, where all our citizens, Jews, Arabs and everyone else, are equal before the law and will receive equal protection from those who enforce the law,” the prime minister said. “Just as we’ve always done, we will weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever.”

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