New Knesset law prevents early release of terrorists

The new Knesset law “is an important precedent in the fight against terror and the effort to increase deterrence,” MK Oded Forer stated.

By World Israel News Staff

The Knesset passed a law Tuesday evening that will prevent the early release of convicted terrorists serving time in Israeli jails.

Proposed by MKs Anat Berko (Likud) and Oded Forer (Yisrael Beiteinu), the bill passed its final reading by a vote of 27-6.

According to the new legislation, security prisoners cannot be released for good behavior after completing only two-thirds of their sentences – unlike other inmates who show remorse and demonstrate their rehabilitation.

“A reduced sentence is a privilege that terrorists are not worthy of receiving. Terrorists are proud of their actions and therefore must bear the full consequences. We won’t stop working for our citizens’ security,” Berko stated.

“This is an important precedent in the fight against terror and the effort to increase deterrence. Now every terrorist knows that he has no hope of being released early,” Forer declared.

“I am happy that moments before the Knesset is dissolved [ahead of new elections], we succeeded in doing justice to all those families who lost their loved ones in terrorist attacks,” he added.

Matan Peleg, CEO of the Israel-based Zionist organization Im Tirtzu,, called the law “a victory for justice and sanity.”

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“It is a shame that we are in a situation in which a law is needed to prevent terrorists from receiving early parole. We need to continue promoting a strong deterrence package against terrorism that will prevent the next attack from occurring,” Peleg said.